Extended Stay Policies
- Guests agree to rent an RV Site (and no bailment is created thereby), on which is to be placed, entirely at Guest’s risk, recreational vehicles which are 10 years or newer or by approval of PBRVP.
- Guests are responsible for keeping their RV in good material and visual condition, if advised by PBRVP to make changes, the guest agrees in good faith to do so promptly.
- Site Rent is due on the 1st of every month. After the 5th of the month, a late fee of $25 will apply. Electric metering is billed at current energy rates. A $100.00 deposit for electricity is due at time of reservation.
- Guests agree to give a 30 day departure notice.
- No sheds, utility buildings or tents are allowed to be erected.
- No decks or structures can be built on your site except for steps that are in good material and visual condition.
- Each site is limited to two adults and no more than three children unless approved by PBRVP.
- During freezing weather, guests must insulate their spigot and use a heated hose if they want full time water access. Otherwise, guests can fill their water tanks and will be disconnected from park spigots during freezing weather.
Mail & Deliveries
- Mail & Packages for guests may be picked up in the Laundry/Mail Room. PBRVP is not responsible for packages and mail.
- PBRVP does not offer mail forwarding services.
- Packages should be addressed as follows:
678 Fishing Village Rd
Plum Branch, SC 29845